27 NOV | 28 NOV | 29 NOV | 30 NOV | 1 DEC
ALL | LitBeat | LitBite | LitFest | LitTrade
27 Wednesday
04:30PM - 06:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Temu Media dan Ramah Tamah MORE >> Media << LESS |
07:00PM - 09:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Opening Night: JILF x JakTen MORE >>
An acclaimed Japanese author, Hiromi Kawakami will deliver the opening speech, she is known for her delicate narratives that explore human relationships, nature, and the subtle beauty of everyday life. She will open JILF x Jaktent with a speech that celebrates the power of literature to illuminate everyday life, from her depictions about the earthquakes in several of her works. Known for her simple yet profound narrative, her works explore the subtle nuances of daily existence. With celebrated works like Strange Weather in Tokyo, Dragon Palace, The Brief History of the Glory of the House of Kageyama, and Where the Wild Things Are, she invites readers to find beauty in ordinary moments. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Anton Kurnia |
28 Thursday
10:00AM - 12:00PM Galeri Emira Soenassa |
In this session we will present hand-picked titles from German language markets which might be interesting for Indonesian publishers. You will hear about literary, non-fiction titles and books for children and young adults. The titles in question have been picked by the presenting translators as well as editors. And if these titles don’t suit you – there are more than 200 others to choose from, they are being shown at the “German Stories” Stand in the same venue! Check it out! Many titles are eligible for Translation Funding! << LESS |
LITTRADE Speakers : Hendarto Setiadi Moderators : |
01:00PM - 01:30PM Galeri S. Soedjono |
Book Discussion: The Challenge on Expressing Truth MORE >>
A Book Discussion of Handbook for the Displaced (Robin Block) & Finding Sita in the Indies (Angelina Enny) << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Moderators : |
01:00PM - 03:30PM Galeri Emira Soenassa |
SEA Synergies: Publishers Forum MORE >> Dive into Southeast Asia's dynamic publishing landscape as leading experts discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities for regional collaboration. You will hear about the markets in the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and will be able to network with the representatives, so as to learn more about the markets and the players. << LESS |
LITTRADE Speakers : Farah Rizki |
02:30PM - 04:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Enough is Enough: Literature in the Midst of an Anthropocene Crisis MORE >>
Facts: The world is at a critical juncture. Multidimensional crises are sweeping across all continents. The struggle for territory and natural resources are getting real these days. Global citizens expect a drastic turnaround to address climate change, regional conflicts and their consequences. This session presents the current state of affairs, current thinking and the urgency for action. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Hiromi Kawakami Moderators : |
03:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri Emira Soenassa |
Translator Forum MORE >>
Meet translators and publishers from around the globe to explore creative ways to bridge linguistic gaps and foster innovative partnerships. << LESS |
LITTRADE Speakers : Hendarto Setiadi Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Translating Science and Reaching Public: How to Navigate the Post-Truth Era MORE >>
Nature has always been a source of inspiration, but writers on this topic often use language that is distant from the general public, suggesting a class bias. This session discusses how to create more conversations and exchanges between researchers/scientists and writers, and to build bridges between these writers and the wider public. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Amanda Katili Niode Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri S. Soedjono |
Book Discussion: Enter the Dragon Palace MORE >>
Intimate Session with Hiromi Kawakami’s Works << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
Digital Technology in Cultural Preservation with Govt. of Salatiga MORE >>
In an increasingly connected digital era, cultural preservation becomes both a challenge and an exciting opportunity. This talk show will explore how digital technology can be leveraged to preserve and showcase cultural treasures, including ancient manuscripts, local traditions, and historical heritage, to younger generations and a global audience. << LESS |