27 NOV | 28 NOV | 29 NOV | 30 NOV | 1 DEC
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29 Friday
01:00PM - 02:30PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
On Eco-Literature: What Is It or What Is It Not? MORE >>
Many terms are used for literature that addresses environmental and climate topics. This session reviews the definition of environment/climate related genres and the current direction or development of eco-literature. This session will unpack what we call “eco-literature”, a fundamental discussion about whether eco-literature is solely seen through themes, or is there a side of writing that requires environmental insight? << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Andhyta F. Utami Moderators : |
01:00PM - 02:30PM Galeri S. Soedjono |
Book Discussion: Wake-up Call from Greta Thunberg MORE >>
Pre-Launch of The Climate Book (Greta Thunberg) << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Moderators : |
03:00PM - 04:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Evicted!: Voices of the Marginalized MORE >>
Indigenous peoples and urban marginalized communities are under tremendous pressure with the destruction of natural forest, marine and coastal ecosystems. They are displaced from their homes and sources of livelihood in the context of capital owners seeking minerals/mining materials, forest conversion for food crops and industry, and coastal conversion for tourism investment. This session highlighted the importance of indigenous and traditional peoples' voices being heard. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Moderators : |
03:00PM - 04:00PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
Film Discussion: Why Do Child Marriages Persist on Jakarta’s Coast? MORE >>
Mongabay Discussion and Film Screening << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Lusia Arumingtyas Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Radical Imagination: Is A Better World Possible? MORE >>
Scientists and social scientists are compartmentalized and seemingly shackled by their own knowledge when we expect a breakthrough from the crisis we face. A radical imagination is needed to formulate ideas about a more sane, beautiful and just world. Writers have an important role in formulating and offering new ideas. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Madina Malahayati Chumaera Moderators : |
07:00PM - 09:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Malam Anugerah Sayembara Kritik Sastra 100 Tahun A.A. Navis “Satirisme Navis” dan Malam 100 Tahun Sastrawan / Awarding Night for A.A. Navis' 100th Literary Criticism Competition “Navis' Satirism” and 100 Years of the Authors Night MORE >>
Awarding Night for A.A. Navis' 100th Literary Criticism Competition “Navis' Satirism” will be held in conjunction with JILF x JakTent to announce the winners of the competition. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Arif Bagus Prasetyo Featuring : Aan Mansyur |
30 Saturday
01:00PM - 02:30PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Southeast Asia Share & Shout: Stories from the Region MORE >>
South East Asian writers’ voices are less heard in the global arena. We also don’t know each other well enough. We need concrete efforts and actions to share among South East Asian writers and to convey our stories outside the region. This session provides space for writers from South East Asian countries to share their obstacles, aspirations and real steps that need to be taken. This session is also related to the Road to JILF x JakTent discussions in August 2024. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Arlo Mendoza Moderators : |
01:00PM - 02:30PM Galeri S. Soedjono |
Writer’s Talk: A Glimpse of Our Literary Awards MORE >> Literary awards in Indonesia have come and gone, with some thriving and others struggling to survive. Beyond awards from state institutions, media outlets like Tempo and Kompas have shown remarkable dedication to honoring literature and supporting writers through their consistent efforts. This discussion will explore how these institutions maintain their commitment to celebrating literature despite challenges. It will also look ahead to the return of the Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa, raising questions about its role in the evolving literary landscape. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Hilmi Faiq Moderators : |
03:00PM - 04:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Writing in a Burning World: Do Words Still Matter? MORE >>
The world is burning. We face climate change, global warming and the anthropocene crisis. Literature and art play an important role in this critical situation. Not only to describe the 'burning' situation, but also to explore new concepts and beliefs about the world. This session seeks to highlight the experiences of writers and artists who have discussed this topic and to dialogue about the challenges they faced, and to ask the question ""what does it mean to write in this situation?"" << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Moderators : |
03:00PM - 04:00PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
Writer's Talk: The Layers of Nature MORE >> In her debut novel Die grüne Grenze, Isabel Fargo Cole placed the forests of the Harz Mountain not only as the natural setting of her story but as multilayered dimension where the-political, the-historical, the mythical, the-cultural happened and even clashed into one another. It is precisely these layers which will be delved into some depths in this session: what do we really talk about when we talk about the natural world. Obviously, with her years of activism and writing, Amalya Reza Oktaviani would provide interesting insights into this. The conversations with the two writers with different backgrounds will enrich our perspective of nature << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Amalya Reza Oktavia Moderators : |
04:00PM - 06:00PM Galeri S. Soedjono |
Masterclass: The Pen to Performance MORE >>
Introduction to Poetry Slam Performance (Jakarta Poetry Slam) << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Relentless Battles: How to Never Surrender MORE >>
Struggle at all levels is a daily occurrence. The conflict between the wealthy and the unprivileged (but close to nature) continues to occur in all parts of the world. Intersectionality with issues of class, gender, race, culture, food, etc. is raised by writers who understand how all aspects of life are interconnected. And how difficult it is to unravel this tangled thread. << LESS |
LITFEST Speakers : Amalya Reza Oktavia Moderators : |
07:00PM - 09:00PM Teater Wahyu Sihombing |
Poetry Night: Solidarity for the Earth MORE >> Poetry Night: Solidarity for the Earth is a stage to voice empathy and solidarity with the victims of genocide and ecocide in various parts of the world, from Gaza to Srebrenica, from Papua to Volnovakha. Their poems will be the voices of the silenced and the stories of those who have been ignored. The poems will also connect the sense of humanity for those who are oppressed, showing how art is a medium that can convey messages of justice, peace, and sustainability. Poets from various countries (Ukraine, Iran, and Indonesia) and different generations will deliver litanies to comfort grief, as well as encouragement to fight for hope. On this night, we create a collective space to celebrate empathy and build hope through the power of words. Literature enthusiasts, environmentalists, and nature lovers can come to think about the meaning of solidarity in the midst of the ongoing humanitarian and environmental crisis, and celebrate solidarity together. << LESS |
LITFEST Featuring : Antonia Timmerman |