27 NOV | 28 NOV | 29 NOV | 30 NOV | 1 DEC
ALL | LitBeat | LitBite | LitFest | LitTrade
28 Thursday
04:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
Digital Technology in Cultural Preservation with Govt. of Salatiga MORE >>
In an increasingly connected digital era, cultural preservation becomes both a challenge and an exciting opportunity. This talk show will explore how digital technology can be leveraged to preserve and showcase cultural treasures, including ancient manuscripts, local traditions, and historical heritage, to younger generations and a global audience. << LESS |
29 Friday
03:00PM - 04:00PM Galeri Emira Soenassa |
The Southteast Asia Palate How Migration Shapes Culinary Trends MORE >>
In addition to sharing a similar historical background as post-colonial countries, Southeast Asian countries also share a distinctive culinary identity. Geographical factors, migration, and other social-cultural encounters that have occurred over the centuries have influenced the likeness of culinary flavors in this region. These resemblances are not just a matter of taste, but they also represent the values of the people of Southeast Asia. In this session, we'll discuss the traces of culinary similarities across Southeast Asian societies, and how they can serve as a key asset for future cultural products, helping to strengthen ties between Southeast Asian countries. << LESS |
LITBITE Speakers : Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
The Bittersweet Taste of Nostalgia MORE >>
It would be impossible to talk about reminiscing of the past without mentioning food nostalgia. It is a powerful emotion that transport us back to the past, connecting us with people and places we hold dear, and evoking our emotions and cultural identity. Food patterns are specific to cultures and ethnic identity. Recipes are in a way a manifestation of the sociocultural environment. << LESS |
LITBITE Speakers : Moderators : |