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30 Saturday
01:00PM - 02:30PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
The Creative Suburbs: Self-sufficiency in the Middle of Suburbia MORE >>
Often too under appreciated, suburbs can become incubators of creativity. Rather than just being places for living and commuting for people who work in the central business district, suburbs can actually enhance its vitality and sustainability. << LESS |
LITBITE Speakers : Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri Oesman Effendi |
From Ancient Grains to Future Farms Exploring Traditional Ways for Food Sustainability MORE >> In the pursuit of ensuring national food security, the government has introduced various massive-scale programs in the form of food estates. Large areas of land have been cleared and cultivated to become national food barns. However, these mega projects have created many conflicts, whether with local communities or with mother nature itself. On the other hand, a number of food activists have carried out a series of movements to raise public awareness about alternative food sources, reducing our dependence on the market and the state. One of the ways food activists campaign for alternative food security is by learning and re-approaching the ancient knowledge of Indonesia's ancestors. In this session, we will learn more about the efforts in exploring traditional food knowledge to attain food security in the future. << LESS |
LITBITE Speakers : Moderators : |
1 Sunday
03:00PM - 04:00PM Galeri Emira Soenassa |
Here's Why Our Urban Areas Need Permaculture MORE >>
A modern approach to sustainable agriculture, permaculture draws inspiration from traditional gardening practices. Guided by necessity and tradition, it prioritizes resourcefulness, less waste, and a deep relationship to the land. Permaculture is not a new way of living, rather it is a way of living that acknowledge the existence of all organisms and have meaningful connections towards each other through an integrated design. << LESS |
LITBITE Speakers : Gibran Tragali Moderators : |
04:30PM - 06:00PM Galeri Emira Soenassa |
Food, Future, and Folklore Balancing Tradition and Nutrition MORE >> Today's urban Indonesians have high awareness of the importance of nutritional knowledge. Not only are they aware of the content of food and drinks, but they also understand how these sources of nutrition are obtained, processed, and have a significant social impact on the economic process. In line with this awareness, more and more culinary products, culinary-related content, and food security movements are enriching people's knowledge about nutrition, both in modern and traditional cuisine. In this session, we will explore the combination of traditional and modern food knowledge and practices that promote good nutrition for our bodies. We will learn more about how our culinary practitioners process traditional culinary types that are nutritious, to be presented as culinary products that can be used by today's society to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Also, how do our creators or writers try to present more culinary themes to further enrich people's knowledge about our nation's culinary treasures. << LESS |
LITBITE Speakers : Nova Dewi Moderators : |